Argumentative Essays For Gay Marriage Legalization


Download file to see previous pages However, whether same sex individuals be allowed to marry is still controversial. This paper argues that gay marriage should be legalized because same-sex parents can prove to be better parents; it reinforces their rights as humans; and, it stabilizes the society through child adoption. Gay marriages should be legalized since same sex couples can prove to be better parents than opposite sex couples, as is suggested by Judith Stacey and Timothy Biblarz (as cited in Cooke, para.2). Family instability may take its toll on normal psychological development of children of both straight and same-sex couples, and so, it is not true that only gay parents prove to be bad parents by any means.

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Reasons For Gay Marriage

Argumentative essay for gay marriage legalizing

People For Gay Marriage Arguments

Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage. September 18, 2018 top100essays Posted in Society Tagged argumentative essay, Gay Marriage. Gay “Marriage” is Harmful and Must be Opposed. By legalizing same-sex “marriage,” the State becomes its official and active promoter. The State calls on public officials to officiate at the new civil. Beam The Argument over Gay Marriage With the increasing popularity of legalizing gay marriage, many agree and many oppose the issue. Andrew Sullivan, a gay rights activist argues, “Marriage is not simply a private contract; it is a social and public recognition of a private commitment Denying it to homosexuals is the most public affront. Gay Marriage Essay Examples. An Argument of Whether Gay Marriage Legalization Will Be Good for the Gay Community. An Essay on Gay Marriage. An Argument in Favor of the Equal Treatment of Gay in Soceity. Homosexuals Should Be Openly Accepted by Society.